Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- $1,000.00 Deductible
- $20 Office Visit
- Wellness Program
- Alternative Care
- Prescription Plan 3 months. two times co-pay mail in
- WCHCD pays 100% for full time employees (36-40 hrs. per week).
- Part Time (min. 20 hrs. per week) employees have their insurance pro-rated per hours worked in a quarter.
Vision Service Plan/VSP
- VSP providers have a $10 co-pay then covered in full. $45
- Glasses every 12 mos. $25 co-pay
- Contact Lenses $60
- Contact in lieu of $130
Pacific Source Dental Insurance
- Maximum benefit of $1500 per plan year
- On year moratorium on major dental
- Office visit charge waived if visiting a preferred provider
- Vested schedule of 70/80/90/100%
- This is a preventative care system
- Keep your appointments!
Mutual of Omaha Short Term Disability
- A part-time employee will be prorated each quarter, your hours will be averaged and if you do not average 36 hours you will be charged a portion of the cost for your short term disability
- You will receive 60% of your weekly earnings up to $1,000.
- Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Policy
- The District provides a $10,000.00 life insurance policy for every full time and part time employee
Ground and Air combination for 1 year – $95
Wallowa County Health Care District pays this for all par time and full time employees A membership covers the employee and anyone living in the household.